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Sunday, September 3, 2017

Alice in Action (Software) - Java TM Programming (Introduction)

Alice in Action (Software)

Picture of Alice in Action (Icon)

    Software Alice in Action is one of more Java Programming in the world. Alice release at 1998 by Carnegie Mellon University. Alice uses drag and drop environtment to create animations with 3D models. This software very compatible for Windows XP, Windows 7 , Windows 8, and all of product OS from Microsoft. But, Alice in Action need good hardware for compiling. If you want to create a video 3D animation, you need some greatfully hardware like RAM, Memory, and VGA for compiling in the end of project. And the end of the project, you can also share to youtube. Because Alice in Action cooperate with youtube. Oke Start for the begening for Project.

When you was installing the software (Alice in Action) in you Computer. You can also run the launcher after install. When you open the launcher, you can also look like this :
Select the Background of your project

It's the beginning of our project, where we must to choose one of the background of the world in project. Like condition or environtment in your project. It's so important to adjust the story of your project video. Choose the better you like. Specifically for ROOM (one of the Background), is just a small room. Not too board environtment if you choose it. After you choose one of them, you can look this :
Work Sheet project to create 3D animation

This the screen when you successfull creating the world of your project. Dont forget to save first the our project ( in file on top of the screen) before you do the next step. Now, i will tell you about the tools of that screen.

The Tools 

Setup Scene

This tools is important for addition many animation who Alice give to you. When you click that tools, you can look the world who you create before. You can also add many things, animals, tree, and other else like you want have in your world. Be careful of the camera, it can move everywhere viewpoint in your world. Because it is the 3D animations, there have x , y , z coordination in this project. It's so interesting for create your 3D animations as you like. You can install the newest version of alice in action for many animations when you addition your scene.

The Function of Action sheet

This is prosedural action who provided by alice action. It is automatic function to get move, turn, roll, and other else to your animations. Like animals, tree, things, and other else. Because you want to create a video 3D animations, this tools is very important to give action to your animations. You like be a director film, you just give a command to your actors and they will follow you. The function have parameter, like distance, duration of the action doing. Set the matching parameter for the greet action.

The Work Sheet of Function Action

This is the work sheet of all your function place. You can drag the function action and drop to this work sheet. The action will ordered sequentially from top to bottom.

The Running Project tools

This the tools for run your project. You will find a new window that will come out on your screen. The Screen you will see will be the same as the camera you placed in the setup scene. So place it so carefully, just look the good viewpoint for you.

This software so good for novice programmer. You can learn the coordination, paramater, function , and other else in this software. Because this 3D animations software, it's maybe complicated for you. But, don't worry... it's just drag and drop function, and you can learning more and more for creating a good 3D animatons project. This software can create a video and game too. It can use keyboard and mouse function. But, it is a deep lesson for you now. So take easy and learn more it.